Sponsorship children in Kenya
Sponsorship – help in educating underprivileged children from Kenya
People in the villages of Kenya face poverty at every step – the biggest problems present hunger, illnesses, access to drinking water, the provision of a shelter, and education. In the most endangered areas, the degree of infection with AIDS is almost forty percent.
Consequently, many children are orphans, often without both parents. However, despite unbelievable circumstances, children who are eager to learn can still be found among these aspiring youngsters. They are true little warriors and because of that, our Foundation for Better World decided to support their dreams. Kenyan Government co-finances their schooling – but the tests, yearly knowledge testing, school supplies, books, and uniforms are still payable, as children cannot finish their schooling without them. Our Foundation supports seven primary and two secondary schools near the Majiwa village, which lies in the south-west of Kenya – approximately 10 kilometers away from Lake Victoria.
We kindly invite you to participate by sponsoring individual children, and enable them education and escape from complete poverty. Children have been carefully chosen according to two criteria. The first is the degree of social vulnerability; this means that the children are either orphans with only one or no parents, or that they are threatened by other factors (alcoholism, a disease in the family, AIDS, severe poverty, etc.). The second is their success in school or participation in school activities.
You can sponsor a child as an individual, a company, or a school.
Sponsorship for natural persons:
If you decide to support the sponsorship project, you automatically become a member of the Foundation for Better World, which means you can use all benefits of the Foundation’s members (http://www.forbetterworld.si/4/30/18/vsebine.html).
The annual contribution for one primary school student is 66€, including the above-mentioned schooling costs and the administrative costs of organizing the project.
You can transfer the amount as follows:
To the Foundation: 66€
Fundacija za boljši svet
Bolfenška 66, Maribor
Transaction account: IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 1865 117
SWIFT code of the bank: HDELSI22
Delavska hranilnica d.d.
Sponsorship for legal persons:
The annual contribution for one primary school student is 66€, including the above-mentioned schooling costs and the administrative costs of organizing the project (due to the relatively small amount, we advise collecting support for at least three children).
You can transfer the amount in the same way that is described above. We only ask you to contact us, so that we can coordinate our activities.
Ecological and cultural association For Better World
Bolfenška 66, 2000 Maribor
Telephone: 02 330 43 76
Mobile phone: 041 540 616 (Marjan Savnik – secretary),
041 678 074 (Goran Škobalj – president)
email: boljsi.svet@siol.net ; website: www.forbetterworld.si
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